Thursday 7 July 2011


Hello, i would like to share some interesting stories that I have done in my final assignment. This subject provides me knowledge of how to do blog and I can share my ideas here. Besides, I also learnt to mix with others to do my final assignment.
Here is my experience and tasks that I have done last weeks. During the class, we decided to elect a leader to represent all of us in bc271b. So guess what??? We manage to grab our favourite topic which is ISLAND as our title for our final assignment. I love travelling and always wish to travel once I have time. Thus, it is a nice topic for me as I can find more information on it.
As more details, my group decided to choose PULAU PERHENTIAN as our topic to write. I was surprised as I always wish to go to PULAU PERHENTIAN. My group members are very cooperative and we share information to each others about the island in order to make our assignment looks interesting. For the assignment, we named our group as RAINBOW and PULAU PERHENTIAN as our main topic.
Each members of the group has their own responsibility and I was appointed to write about the demographic which is the target users in PULAU PERHENTIAN. Well I did some research on a few website to find some informations about the PULAU PERHENTIAN and the characteristics of the target users before I write my proposal. As a result, I identified a few main target users as below

     Target Users
-    First important task is to identify the target users. The ability to identify who is your customer will enable a better planning to ensure attraction of customers can be at the peak. For Pulau Perhentian, we have identified few main target markets which are teenagers, families and couples

-   Those aged 13-19 years old are considered as teenager. They prefer activities rather than sightseeing. In Pulau Perhentian, many activities such as snorkeling, diving, swimming, jungle-trekking, water sport games, and etc.
-    Moreover, the quiet and calming environment with its nature of Pulau Perhentian is also the perfect idea of those thinking of  taking some days off away from crowded cities, especially the teenagers that majority now living in big cities whether studying or working.


-    Family can be defined as the people of children and also the parents that live in a household.
-    Normally family will be looking for places that are quiet and safe. The whitey beach, together with its crystal clear water is a very good idea for them for a vacation.
-    It is certainly that normally the parents try to find places for their children to enjoy and a method to educate their children as this makes up a perfect combination for Pulau Perhentian which is known as the home for the turtle(prevent this species of turtle from extinct)
-    Good air quality gets the attention of family when choosing places for vacation.


-    Couples like to travelling around and especially to those romantic places, which is a good signal that Pulau Perhentian is the good choice.
-    Couples or those newlyweds can takes the chance of taking pictures together, or even getting to record video on the charming place at Pulau Perhentian.
      Below are the references that i found before i start my writting about the characteristics of the target users.        

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