Friday 8 July 2011

Assignment 3 - Selection Tools_Pulau Perhentian


It is time to update the blog again, and for this round, I will update on the process of Selection Tools for the raw images used for the Assignment 3. As our group chose Pulau Perhentian as our topic, therefore, the images here will more or less representing the island. So let's start it..

At first, what I did in process of editing the images is by open the image on the software of Photoshop by clicking Open from the file tab on the upper left of the screen. 

As for the focus on this image is the fist, then I must crop the image for easier selection which comes afterwards,

From here, I will use the Magnetic Lasso Tool from the Selection Tools to select the image that I wanted and the result will as screenshot below:
At the same time, I also created a new A4-sized file for me to move all the selected images.
I then used the Move Tool from the Selection Tools to move the selected image to the new file by dragging it to the new file.
From here, we can also change the size of the image after moved it onto the new file. Just press CRTL+T for Transformation as we just drag the edge of the box of the image according to our own preference of the size and when done, just press Apply the Transformation.

And then, we can also rename the layer which located on the right hand side of the screen according to the image, and for this case, I named the layer as 'fish' for easy reference in future.
After few steps on the Selection Tools, finally we able to have a so-called complete Selection Tools image of the fish as the screenshot below:
From then, we will move the other image.

For this image, our focus is the 2 people and also the sea. At this time, I used Polygonal Lasso Tool as the shape of the needed image is more to the straight line, therefore Polygonal is a more appropriate to be used, and the result will be as above:
The same also applies to the image as I used Move Tool to drag the selected image to the new file.

We will then move on to the next image.
For the image below, I used Quick Selection Tool to select the image that I wanted, and then used Move Tool to drag it away to the new file, and after moved, same applies to the image as we can press CRTL+T for Transformation to adjust the size of the image, before we apply the transformation.

The result on the new file as screenshot below:

For the remaining images, I also applied the same method as above such as Crop Tool, Quick Selection Tool, Magnetic Lasso Tool, Polygonal Lasso Tool, Move Tool and also Transformation to select and move the selected images to the new file. 

At the end...... after all images were selected and moved to the new file named as "Selection Tools_Assignment 3_Pulau Perhentian", the images that all in an A4-sized file as the screenshot below:

Hope that you enjoy viewing this blog and trust me... there will be more and more exciting updates coming up soon..

~ivin tan su wei~

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