Sunday 31 July 2011

Layout Description - Jungle Trekking

From the previous post,you will see the layout that i done,i will further update with the activities that provided on the island (eg.jungle trekking,scuba diving, and etc).Below is the description for the activity jungle trekking.The description will be uploaded into the layout that i drafted out for the website.The other two activities like scuba diving and snorkeling will be explained by my groupmate yan yee.

~ Perhentian Island's lush rain forest is a definitely destination for trekking, as the island's remarkable biodiversity is matched by a good network of jungle trails, where one can experience hundred's of species of flora and fauna.
   Tropical forest covers the greater part of the Perhentian Islands and a few trails that twist through the greenery to allow you explore the diversity of plant life. Tread the jungle quietly and if you are lucky enough, you may also meets a few of the island's animals along the way (eg. lizards, insects, birds, and etc).
    As for precaution purpose, do remember bringing along insect repellent and also plenty of drinking water.~

The description above will be placed on the layout for the activities for the jungle trekking section. For more info, look at 'older post' for more idea about the layout that already drafted.The older posts also will show some of the pictures that will be putting into the layout.The pictures such as jungle trekking,scuba diving and also snorkeling also will be putting into the layout.

References :

Saturday 23 July 2011

Layout Selection_Perhentian Island

This is the layout drafting on the section for 'Activities' on the website.

Basically, the general layout for the website on the 'Activities' will be the same as the homepage.

On this 'Activities' page, there will be list of the activities can be found on the Perhentian Island such as snorkeling, scuba-diving, jungle-trekking and etc. Each of the activity will be shown of its image and also together with the descriptions of the activity.
Anyone who are interested to know more about the activities can click on the 'click here' button to know more details about the activity.

At the same time, to enhance the page, HTML links will be added to direct the viewer to check out the pictures or images taken of the activities on the island accordingly to the type of activity.